Archive for Cosmetics

Black is beautiful

Posted in Opinion with tags , , , , on September 28, 2009 by Mwasi

VINDICATION has come.  Lip plumpers, padded jeans and posterior implants are finally being marketed to less fortunate women.  This is an amazing development.  Now, black is truly beautiful.  Black features are in high-demand, hurray!

SOME white women now plump their lips.  It actually appalls me.  Plumped lips look very fake on races with facial parameters that were not designed to contain thick lips.  Something does not add up, when you look closely.  It is actually one of my game to detect which women carry lips or posteriors that defy genetic explanation.

THESE women’s cosmetic feats are major phenotypic improbabilities.  How could a respectable professional instigate such rip-offs?  It turns out that I want women of every race, to work with what they have, because they love themselves.  It is abnormal that a white woman would covet my lips, to the point of facial disfiguration.  One does not need to be black, white, etc.. to be beautiful.  Why must beauty always crush the other?

BEAUTY should not be a function of someone else’ s destruction.  People need to really appreciate what they have and work with it.